A Quick Guide to WFOEs in China: Determining Shareholder Structure

Quick Guide to WFOEs in China
Determining Shareholder Structure
Determining a shareholder structure for a wholly foreign owned
enterprise (WFOE) in China requires the consideration of both
short-term realities and long-term strategies. In this article, we
analyze several shareholder structures for WFOEs in China. To make
it easier, we broke it down and contrasted between 6 most common
areas of concern when determining a shareholder structure: risk,
tax, cost, flexibility, investment and expansion.
Foreign investors should use this article as a guideline to help determine the
shareholder structure, which best matches your plan for success.
Brief Case Study
A German entrepreneur with over thirty years’ experience in his
field, and his own company for twenty years providing engineering services to
the automotive industry in Germany, decides to set up a company in China. This
Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) makes cooperation with his Chinese
partners, manufacturers and suppliers much easier.
The entrepreneur decides to set it up as an individual in order to create the
company quickly and without much consideration for alternative holding
structures. After several years of operations in China, the company is running
well, and he wants to expand. The company in Germany does not have enough cash
flow to fund expansion initiatives, and the entrepreneur doesn’t have enough
funds available to him either, so he decides to look for investment. During
investment negotiations, investors request a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in
Hong Kong in order to contribute their funds.
The entrepreneur and investors make an agreement on the percentage of shares and
set up a Hong Kong company to replace the German as the shareholder of the WFOE.
Considerations are made to administrative procedures in changing the WFOE’s
shareholders and potential capital gains tax liabilities.
All investors outline their expansion plan in a shareholder agreement for this
new structure with the WFOE in China, which will be implemented via opening new
WFOEs under SPV or through branch offices via the existing WFOE.
WFOEs In China
Whether you’re a multinational company looking to expand your
market, or a budding entrepreneur as in the case study above, China is a land of
endless opportunity. However, creating the correct business strategy and company
structure go hand-in-hand with success and mitigating unnecessary costs or
As a foreign investment vehicle, you have several options in setting up a
business: Representative Office, Joint Venture, Foreign Invested Partnership,
and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise. For its independence, Wholly Foreign Owned
Enterprises are often the most preferred business to start in China.
Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises allow foreign parties, individuals or corporate
entities, to incorporate a foreign owned liability company. The unique feature
of a WFOE is that involvement of a mainland Chinese investor is not required,
unlike some other investment vehicles in China.
However, creating the best WFOE structure is complicated, and requires the
consideration of many factors. Before we dive into the different factors, it’s
important to understand the terminologies of the WFOE. Each WFOE requires:
shareholder, legal representative and supervisor.
Key Definitions:
- Shareholders are those who make capital contributions and represent the
highest authority in the company. In order to qualify as a WFOE, 100% of the
shares needs to be owned by a foreign entity or individual or several foreign
entities or several foreign individuals.
- Legal representative is required for every business established in China,
whether domestic or foreign. He/she is the main principal of the company and is
an individual with the legal power to represent and enter into binding
obligations on behalf of the company, as well as the individual who bears most
responsibility for wrongdoing in accordance with the law or articles of
association of the company.
- Executive Director or Board of Directors depending on the needs of the
shareholder to manage the direction of the company. For a simple and straight
forward governance process, an Executive Director may be sufficient. For more
complex companies, e.g. when there are several shareholders, a Board of
Directors may be more suitable. Such a board needs to consist of at least 3
people, among them a Chairman of the Board.
- Supervisor, or Supervisory Board of at least 3 Supervisors, has the authority
to supervise the company directors and management through, for example,
investigation either by themselves or through a third party. Directors and
senior managers have to provide relevant information to Supervisors and are
prohibited from hindering their function.
Option 1: Shareholder as an Individual
This company structure places the primary shareholder as an individual
Risk: This places the most amount of risk on the individual
shareholder who acts as a natural and legal person, rather than a corporation
that only acts as a legal person and often limits liability and protects its
natural person shareholders. If the company acquires debts or issues with
authorities, not only will the legal representative as an individual be liable,
so will the shareholders.
Investment: Raising capital as an individual shareholder is the most challenging
and the riskiest solution for WFOEs in China. An individual may only have
limited funds to invest and limited collateral to borrow against, but investors
may provide funds based on skill or experience of the individual.
Flexibility: Setting up a WFOE as an
individual is flexible in terms of speed and cost. The shareholder may choose to
sell the company going through administrative and tax processes in China and
their home jurisdictions.
Tax: For collecting dividends, individual
shareholders will not be taxed by the Chinese government on dividends paid, as
long as they are not a tax resident in China, which however also exposes them to
tax liability on worldwide income. The individual may also have taxes to bare in
his/her country of citizenship.
Expansion: Expansion is somewhat limited since an individual may not be in a
position to raise the necessary capital required to grow further in China and
attract the necessary expertise from partners. An individual shareholder may
therefore operate a relatively small structure and may need to rely on the WFOE
that is set up in China to expand to other corporations, branches or
Cost: Compared to other corporate registration
processes in China available to foreign investors,
it is relatively inexpensive to start a company as
an individual in China.
Option 2: Shareholder as an Overseas Business Expanding to China
Allowing for
direct corporation ownership with your foreign business entity removes the
liability and risk on shareholders as an individual; however, there are other
factors to consider:
Risk: It's important to note that although this does not
place risk on an individual, there is risk if the
corporation collects debts or liabilities in China
and wants to close. Declaring bankruptcy or
settling debts would be required before the entity
would be able to close, risking corporation and
shareholder reputation in China or difficulties with
Investment: As an operating company, the shareholder may
generate cash from their own business operations
to invest into the WFOE in China and has assets
and a track record against which it can raise
money from investors or banks.
Flexibility: There's comparative flexibility with access to
funding (via capital or revenue) and staff to draw
from the original business. The shareholder may
choose to sell the company going through
administrative and tax processes in China and
their home jurisdictions.
Tax: Dividend payments from the WFOE to the original
corporation will incur a 10% withholding tax,
making this structure the costliest tax method of
the WFOE shareholder structures. Dividend tax
rates may be lowered depending on tax treaties
China has signed with the foreign corporation's
home jurisdiction.
Expansion: Depending on the nature and development of the
business in China, the company shareholder may
be at a disadvantage. For example, when the
business in China becomes larger relative to the
home market's business and requires additional
expertise / capital.
Cost: The registration of a WFOE in China with a
corporate shareholder is relatively straight
forward and comparable to the registration with
an individual shareholder from a cost perspective.
Option 3: Shareholder as an SPV Company
An SPV is a special purpose vehicle that
usually doesn’t have traditional business operations, but which derives its
value from pooling investors’ funds and legally separating it from operating
companies and other funds of investors. Choosing Hong Kong or another
jurisdiction to register the special purpose vehicle as a shareholder structure,
can provide a variety of benefits for companies with large ambitions in China.
Less risk, lower tax and the potential of an IPO are several obvious reasons to
choose an SPV shareholder structure.
Risk: This is the safest of the shareholder structures:
protecting individuals and corporations both
legally and for tax purposes. It should be noted;
however, that SPVs have suffered reputationally
in offshore tax scandals and that they can also be
linked to illegal activities and tax dodging.
Investment: This structure allows raising and pooling capital
from multiple shareholders, which can be
contributed as capital into the WFOE. As a
consequence, governance of such a structure
may become more complex and should be well
Flexibility: SPV is the most flexible structure, it is the easiest
way to sell the company, and also minimizes
interactions with the China authorities. However,
it may not reduce tax liability in the case of a sale
outside of China.
Tax: Dividend payments from the WFOE to the original
corporation will incur a 10% withholding tax;
however, the withholding rate may be reduced
depending on tax treaties China has with the
the SPV and substance
jurisdiction of
requirements, which may be an issue for SPV
since they are not traditionally operating
Expansion: SPVs are preferably set up in jurisdictions that
require low administration and cost. Hong Kong,
British Virgin Islands, and Cayman Islands are all
popular choices for SPVs. SPVs can be formed
and closed relatively quickly, making it a flexible
structure for investors. However, SVPs require
strong agreements among the investors to govern
the purpose, rights and responsibilities of the
entity. Existing SPVs can decide to form several
parallel companies and/or have their existing
companies form branch offices or companies
depending on the strategy of investors.
Cost This is the costliest method because it requires
set up and maintenance of an additional
We hope this has provided a useful overview of shareholder structures in China. Careful consideration is required to provide a stable base for the company and allow for flexibility during the business’ development.
This article was co-authored by Fabian Knopf at R&P China Lawyers.
From Axel Standard
Investment: Raising capital as an individual shareholder is the most challenging and the riskiest solution for WFOEs in China. An individual may only have limited funds to invest and limited collateral to borrow against, but investors may provide funds based on skill or experience of the individual.
Flexibility: Setting up a WFOE as an individual is flexible in terms of speed and cost. The shareholder may choose to sell the company going through administrative and tax processes in China and their home jurisdictions.
Tax: For collecting dividends, individual shareholders will not be taxed by the Chinese government on dividends paid, as long as they are not a tax resident in China, which however also exposes them to tax liability on worldwide income. The individual may also have taxes to bare in his/her country of citizenship.
Expansion: Expansion is somewhat limited since an individual may not be in a position to raise the necessary capital required to grow further in China and attract the necessary expertise from partners. An individual shareholder may therefore operate a relatively small structure and may need to rely on the WFOE that is set up in China to expand to other corporations, branches or partnerships.
Cost: Compared to other corporate registration processes in China available to foreign investors, it is relatively inexpensive to start a company as an individual in China.
Investment: As an operating company, the shareholder may generate cash from their own business operations to invest into the WFOE in China and has assets and a track record against which it can raise money from investors or banks.
Flexibility: There's comparative flexibility with access to funding (via capital or revenue) and staff to draw from the original business. The shareholder may choose to sell the company going through administrative and tax processes in China and their home jurisdictions.
Tax: Dividend payments from the WFOE to the original corporation will incur a 10% withholding tax, making this structure the costliest tax method of the WFOE shareholder structures. Dividend tax rates may be lowered depending on tax treaties China has signed with the foreign corporation's home jurisdiction.
Expansion: Depending on the nature and development of the business in China, the company shareholder may be at a disadvantage. For example, when the business in China becomes larger relative to the home market's business and requires additional expertise / capital.
Cost: The registration of a WFOE in China with a corporate shareholder is relatively straight forward and comparable to the registration with an individual shareholder from a cost perspective.
Investment: This structure allows raising and pooling capital from multiple shareholders, which can be contributed as capital into the WFOE. As a consequence, governance of such a structure may become more complex and should be well managed.
Flexibility: SPV is the most flexible structure, it is the easiest way to sell the company, and also minimizes interactions with the China authorities. However, it may not reduce tax liability in the case of a sale outside of China.
Tax: Dividend payments from the WFOE to the original corporation will incur a 10% withholding tax; however, the withholding rate may be reduced depending on tax treaties China has with the the SPV and substance jurisdiction of requirements, which may be an issue for SPV since they are not traditionally operating companies.
Expansion: SPVs are preferably set up in jurisdictions that require low administration and cost. Hong Kong, British Virgin Islands, and Cayman Islands are all popular choices for SPVs. SPVs can be formed and closed relatively quickly, making it a flexible structure for investors. However, SVPs require strong agreements among the investors to govern the purpose, rights and responsibilities of the entity. Existing SPVs can decide to form several parallel companies and/or have their existing companies form branch offices or companies depending on the strategy of investors.
Cost This is the costliest method because it requires set up and maintenance of an additional company.